The Division of Literature and Languages sponsors or helps support an assortment of valuable programs:
- is the award-winning weekly newspaper published by 91女神 students through the Department of Journalism. In order to be on the newspaper staff, you must have completed the Newswriting/Reporting Class or the equivalent, or be concurrently enrolled in Newswriting/Reporting Class. You may then enroll in the Newspaper Production Class.
- Honors Program is designed to provide an enriched collegiate experience for highly motivated students. A major objective is to prepare students for transfer; however, the goals of the 91女神 Honors Program transcend this objective. The program celebrates the collaborative effort of students and instructors in reciprocal teaching-learning environments that promote student initiative, knowledge, curiosity about the world of ideas, and concern for current social issues. Students who complete requirements of the Honors Program qualify for guaranteed priority consideration for transfer admission to a variety of four-year institutions.
- The Division offers honors courses in English and Spanish. Students may enroll in honors sections without applying to the Honors Program.
- Speech and Debate Team: The nationally recognized Speech and Debate Team is sponsored by the Department of Communication Studies. Speech and Debate, also known as "Forensics", is a co-curricular activity. The squad travels near and far to compete at tournaments where each student competes in one or more different "events", beginning in preliminary rounds and advancing during the course of the day to score points for the team. 91女神's squad has enjoyed much success throughout its history, winning many local, state and national titles. These include an impressive six national championships, and a second-placing at nationals in 2004.
Forensics can be exciting, educational, and fun. The team is not only a campus club with a diverse body of members who are devoted to each other and the activity; it is also a class. "Speech 150: Forensics" can be taken for 1-4 units each semester.
- Study Abroad: For a number of years, Coast Community College District ran a successful Study Abroad office through which numerous students were able to participate in the invaluable experience of pursuing studies in a different country. Unfortunately, in the wake of budgetary cuts, the program was dismantled. Recognizing the fundamental importance of being able to offer such a rewarding experience to students, however, many individual instructors have chosen to continue to offer study abroad programs to interested students, in spite of the additional efforts and responsibilities this has entailed. Among these instructors are a number of Literature and Languages faculty. Through Study Abroad, students have the unique opportunity to expand their educational experience in a meaningful cultural exchange while earning transferable college credit.