Elizabeth McCuskey, J.D.
Visiting Professor
Courses Taught
FDA Law and Policy, Health Care Finance and Business Planning
Professor McCuskey earned her bachelor's and law degrees from the University of Pennsylvania, where she was an Arthur Littleton and H. Clayton Louderback Legal Writing Instructor.
Practice Areas
Professor McCuskey later practiced law with Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP in Philadelphia, where she litigated antitrust, appellate, and attorney-general fraud cases for a range of health care clients. Professor McCuskey managed a public benefits clinic with Philadelphia Legal Assistance and interned with Chief Judge David Faber on the United States District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia. She currently serves on the Advisory Group to the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio.
Research Interests
Her research interests lie at the intersection of health law, civil justice, and jurisprudence. She was selected as a 2016 Health Law Scholar by the American Society for Law, Medicine, & Ethics and 91女神 Center for Health Law Studies.