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Ana Isabel Gonz谩lez, Ph.D.

Department of Political Science
International Relations


Ph.D. in Applied Economics, International Economic Analysis Programme. Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid (Spain), July 2017. Dissertation: "Present and Future of the Spanish Administration's Economic Strategy in Arab countries" (cum laude).
Postgraduate course in Economic Intelligence and Security by Pontifical University of Comillas and NITID (Oct.-Dec. 2012).

Research Interests

  • Arab economies and their economic relations with Spain, the EU and Africa.
  • Economic Diplomacy.
  • Security and Defence in the 5+5 space: senior researcher for Spain at CEMRES (Euro-Maghreb Center for Research and Strategic Studies) in the framework of the Dialogue 5+5 Defence Initiative since 2014 and the 2019 research director: How to Support the Sahel Countries to Face Terrorism? Economic, Social and Cultural Approaches. Ministerio de Defensa, Secretar铆a T茅cnica, marzo 2020. NIPO.083-20-0818-3.

Publications and Media Placements

Select Media Coverage

"驴Por qu茅 el golpe de estado en N铆ger debe inquietar a la UE?" VozpopuIi, 29/07/23.

"La guerra en la frontera y los costes para Rusia". Vozp贸puli, 10/02/22.

Speaker in the debate organized by Expansion, Garrigues and The Leading Brands of Spain Forum, "How to introduce Spanish brands in Gulf countries", Dec.2008

Contribution to Collective Books

"脕frica en el coraz贸n de las tinieblas de la globalizaci贸n", in S谩nchez Herr谩ez, P. (coord.), 脕frica: la ambici贸n de las potencias mundiales sobre el continente, Cuaderno de Estrategia, n.潞 220, capit.4, 137-180, IEEE, 2023

 "El Ministerio de Defensa y su papel en la iniciativa 5+5 defensa". en Padilla Castillo, G. y Rodr铆guez Hern谩ndez, J. (coord.) DEFENCERCA, acercar la defensa a la ciudadan铆a y a los comunicadores. retos y posibilidades. Colecci贸n biblioteca de ciencias de la informaci贸n, editorial Fragua, Madrid, n 潞161, junio 2022. ISBN 978-84-70749438.

"Diez a帽os de las primaveras 谩rabes 驴un nuevo modelo econ贸mico m谩s sostenible e inclusivo en la regi贸n del Golfo?" in 脕lvarez-Ossorio, I., Mijares, l. y Barre帽ada, I. (eds.) Geopol铆tica de las Primaveras 脕rabes, editorial COMARES, 15/06/22, pp.137-148. ISBN 978-84-1369-345-3.

 "Cambio clim谩tico 驴una oportunidad para reforzar la cooperaci贸n en materia de seguridad en el espacio 5+5" en S谩nchez de Rojas, E., Canchari, R. y Rodr铆guez G. A. (Coord.). El cambio clim谩tico visto desde diferentes enfoques y escenarios territoriales. Colecci贸n Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible, 23., editorial IBA脩EZ (Colombia),.2021, pp.179-191. ISBN 978-958-791-443-6.

"La empresa espa帽ola frente al mercado halal", en 脡tica, marketing y finanzas Isl谩micas. El consumidor musulm谩n. ESIC EDITORIAL, 2016. ISBN 978-84-16462-94-0.

 "Coyuntura econ贸mica y oportunidades de negocio en la regi贸n de Oriente Medio y el Norte de 脕frica" en Atlas de las Marcas L铆deres de Espa帽a, Foro de Marcas Renombradas, Tomo II, marzo de 2013, pp.103-109. ISBN 978-84-95242-74-7.

Select Publications

"Empresas y cooperaci贸n en la nueva Agenda de la UE en el Mediterr谩neo". Revista Afkar/ Ideas. Pol铆tica Exterior, n.潞 69, verano 2023. [https://www.politicaexterior.com/articulo/empresas-y-cooperacion-en-la-nueva-agenda-ue-mediterraneo/]

"Qatar's Communication Strategy and the Resolution of the Diplomatic Conflict in the Gulf". Thematic dossier International Relations and Social Networks, Janus net, e-journal of international relations. observare - Observatorio de Relacoes Exteriores. Lisboa julio 2021,

"El servicio exterior como integrador del 谩rea de libre comercio en el Mediterr谩neo", Revista ICE n.潞 878, Ministerio de Econom铆a y Competitividad, mayo - junio 2014, p.p. 11-23.

"Aproximaci贸n a los planes de desarrollo econ贸mico de los pa铆ses 谩rabes", Cuadernos de la Escuela Diplom谩tica n 潞 48, diciembre 2013. p.p.149-165.

"Econom铆a y consenso, binomio ineludible en la transici贸n de Egipto hacia la democracia", Bolet铆n del Instituto de Estudios Estrat茅gicos, 105/2013, 30/10/13.

CIHEAM (International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies), Watch Letter, n. 潞 36, abril 2016.

Conference Paper and Select Academic Presentations

"Arab Springs": a New Economic Model More Sustainable and Inclusive in the Gulf Region? International Congress "The Arab Springs 10 years on, Social, Political and Economic Challenges". Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales & Casa 脕rabe. Feb. 10-12, 2021.

"Saudi Arabia and the UAE Key countries for the Economic Relations of Spain in the GCC", Book of Conference Proceedings Congress CUICIID. Oct. 23-24, 2019.

The Economic Action of Spain in the Middle East: outlook and assessment", roundtable Multiple economic approaches to the Middle East, WOCMES (World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies), Sevilla, July 17, 2018.

"Results of IIEDE index for ten Arab countries: evolution between 2012 and 2014"; 9th Global Islamic Marketing Conference (GIMAC), Tunisia, April 25-27, 2018.

Speaker at Halal Forum, Mediterranean Week of Business Leaders 2016, organized by Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce Association (ASCAME), Barcelona, Dec. 2, 2016.

Honors and Awards

Awarded with the Cross of the Order of Civil Merit in 2006.

Organizer of the First Spain-Jordan Business Forum held in Amman, 15/04/06.

Professional Organizations and Associations

Non-academic Professional Experience:

Head of the Business Forum of Casa 脕rabe (Madrid) 2008-2013.

Market Analyst at the Spanish Commercial Office in Amman (Jordan) 2000-2007.

Foreign trade promoter for several Spanish institutions in Morocco, Paris and Brussels.