

English & Math Placement Rules

English Placement Rules

High School Performance

​Recommended Placement

​HS GPA of 2.6 or higher

​English A100: no additional academic or concurrent support

​HS GPA of 1.9 - 2.59

English A100: additional academic and concurrent support recommended

HS GPA of less than 1.9

English A100: additional academic and concurrent support strongly recommended

Note: All rule sets use the overall, unweighted GPA.

Questions? Contact us at occassessment@occ.cccd.edu

Math Placement Rules

For First-Level Transfer Courses

​​High School Performance

​Recommended Placement

​ HS GPA of 3.0 or higher ​MATH A100, A104, A160: no additional academic or co-requisite support recommended.
​HS GPA of 2.3 - 2.9 ​MATH A100, A160: additional academic and co-requisite support recommended.
Placement into MATH A104.
​HS GPA of less than 2.3 ​MATH A100, A160: co-requisite support required. Placement into MATH A104.


​​High School Performance

​​Recommended Placement

​​HS GPA of 3.4 or higher AND C or higher in Algebra 2


​HS GPA of 2.6 or higher & enrolled in HS Calculus

MATH A115, A120, A155: no additional academic or co-requisite support recommended.
​HS GPA of 2.6 or higher OR
Enrolled in HS Pre-Calculus
MATH A115, A120, A155: additional academic and co-requisite support recommended.
HS GPA less than 2.6 or lower & no Pre-Calculus MATH A115, A120: co-requisite support required. Placement into MATH A155.
Note: If you're not sure which First-Level Transfer Course for math is right for you, please   make an appointment with a Counselor .


For Higher Level Transfer Courses:

Students can place in Math A140, A170, and A180 based on the following approved rule sets:

For students enrolling directly after graduating from high school:

​​High School Course Optional Placement
​Pre-Calculus w/ C or higher ​MATH A140 or MATH A180
​Trigonometry w/ C or higher ​MATH A170
Note: All rule sets use the overall, unweighted GPA.
In the case of a 2 semester course, the student will need to earn a C or higher both semesters.
Questions? Contact us at  occassessment@occ.cccd.edu