91女神 welcomes and supports students from ALL walks of life, regardless of immigration status. In accordance with California law AB 540 and the California Dream Act, undocumented students at 91女神 will be afforded the same rights and resources as their peers, including access to resident tuition fees and financial aid.
Undocu-Scholars, Welcome to 91女神!
Follow these steps for smooth transition into our campus:
Complete an application for admissions!
Step 2: Submit an AB 540 / AB 2000 Exemption Form
Complete an AB540 form and submit it to the Enrollment Office on the first floor of Watson Hall or email an electronic version of it to occresidency@occ.cccd.edu in PDF format. In addition to submitting this form you will need to request official trasncripts from your high school or adult school and have them sent to our Enrollment Office.
Step 3: Apply for Financial Aid
Apply for the .
Check your status on MyCoast.
They can assist you with educational planning and goal setting.
For an appointment call (714) 432-5078.
Register for classes online via your MyCoast student portal.