

Medical Care

91女神 and Coastline students who are enrolled in the current semester or session and have paid their health fee may seek medical care at the Student Health Center.  Please call 714-714-7705 to schedule an appointment.  A registered nurse will assess the condition or problem, and will either make an appointment for the student to see the medical provider or make a referral for an appropriate health care resource in our local community. Minors may need the Minor Consent Form to be completed by their legal guardian for medical treatment.

The Student Health Center is able to provide basic first aid, medical consultations, and management of acute illnesses. The Student Health Center offers wellness services, such as contraception, screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, nutrition consultations, health teaching, physicals for entry into the Allied Health or Athletic programs, and tuberculosis testing. The Health Center does not provide medical management of injuries due to car accidents nor serious chronic health conditions that require daily medication (such as diabetes, cardiac conditions, hypertension, etc.)  Our nurses can help students find primary care resources in our local community that provide management of chronic medical conditions.

All medical records are confidential.

Sexual/Reproductive Health

We offer gynecological services to students, including gynecologic examinations, pap smears, clinical breast exams, contraceptives, pregnancy tests, bladder/urinary tract infection testing, low cost STI testing and referrals to other health professionals if necessary.

Men’s Health care is provided to students, including free condoms, healthy relationships, safe sex practices, physical exams, low cost STI testing, testicular cancer screenings (testicular exam), prostate cancer screening, and other health issues.


Students requesting immunizations, such as Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccines will be referred to a local health department or pharmacy. The Student Health Center does provide the flu vaccine annually while supplies last.  The vaccine is provided to 91女神 students by the Student Health Center at no cost. 

There is no general immunization requirement to attend 91女神. However, various academic programs require proof of immunization status. The Student Health Center nursing staff is available to consult with students regarding immunization requirements for 91女神 programs.  

The Harbour on-campus Housing students are highly recommended to provide their immunization status and complete all immunizations by October 1st. Please view Housing students immunization recommendations

Lab Tests

The Student Health Center offers rapid "point-of-care" lab tests, including urinalysis, pregnancy testing, strep, COVID and flu.  These tests are performed in the Health Center and the student is charged a small fee to cover the Student Health Center's cost.  The student pays only the cost of the lab test with no "mark-up."  This represents a significant discount to our students.  All outside laboratory tests must be paid to the Student Health Center before going to the lab.  The Student Health Center does not bill health insurance.

Campus Injuries

For an emergency on campus, call Campus Public Safety at 714-432-5555.

The Coast Community College District maintains a general liability insurance policy that covers medical care for accidents and injuries that occur on district property. Examples could include student athletes who sustain injuries as a result of team practice or play, or a culinary student who cuts their finger.  Allied Health students who are injured at a clinical site are usually covered by worker's compensation through the clinical site, and should check with their clinical instructor for further instructions.

If students are injured on campus or during participation in campus sponsored activities, they must fill out insurance forms with their Athletic Coach or the Student Health Center within 72 hours of the accident to access the student accident insurance.  If it is not possible to fill out the forms within 72 hours, please go to the health center as soon as possible to complete this paperwork.

The policy is valid for one year from the date of injury. In order to be eligible for benefits, the student must be treated for the injury within 120 days from the date of injury. To be covered at 100%, the student must seek treatment from an .  For additional information regarding student accident insurance, please view .  

Note: The student accident policy is secondary to any primary insurance policy covering an injured student, except when the student's primary insurance is Medi-Cal.

For any additional questions, please contact District Risk Services, Janet Phillips at jphillips@cccd.edu or 714-438-4688.