

Ways to Get Involved

Student Veterans of America Logo

The Student Veteran Association at 91女神 is a member chapter of the . 

The Student Veterans of America at 91女神 (SVA @ 91女神) is an active student club. Our association brings veterans together to enhance their college experience through university tours, good food, and VA benefit information. We provide you the network and resources to maximize your academic success. New members are always welcome.

Additional information about the club can be found in the Veterans Resource Center (VRC).




Club Advisors:

Jonathan Jimenez, Veterans Specialist
Alex Rojas, Veterans Counselor


2024-2025 Club Officers:

Vacant, President

Vacant, Vice President/Secretary 

Vacant, Treasurer​


Fall 2024 Meeting Times:

Location: TBD

​Time & Day: TBD

Please email occvrc@occ.cccd.edu and put SVA if interested in joining for the 2024-2025 school year



The VET NET Ally Program is designed to raise awareness about the unique diversity student Veterans bring to college and university campuses. The seminar also is intended to build a network of VET NET Allies comprised of faculty, staff and administrators committed to creating a welcoming and supportive campus environment for military service members and veterans who study at 91女神. Visit 91女神 Vet-Net-Ally
Visit Salute on the Academics Honors Society for more information.
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