

Contact the Honors Program

Please call, write or stop by to learn more:
The Honors Program is housed in the Garrison Honors Center

Student Services Specialist - Honors:  Terry Scarbrough

Email:  tscarbrough@occ.cccd.edu
Phone: 714.432.5601

Campus Location: Garrison Honors Center (near Planetarium)
Mailing Address:
91女神 Honors Program
2701 Fairview Road
Costa Mesa, CA 92628-5005
Email: hpro@occ.cccd.edu 

Honors Program Coordinator 2020-2024:  Prof. Lee Gordon, Business
Email:  lgordon@occ.cccd.edu
Phone: 714.432.0202  x21156

Honors Counselors:  Dr. Carol Barnes, Eric Cuellar, Eileen Tom, Linda Bagatourian, and Jared Vidal

Important Reminder: Students admitted into the Honors Program must meet with an Honors Counselor at least once a year in order to maintain good standing in the Program.
To make an appointment with Dr. Carol Barnes or Eric Cuellar visit the Counseling appointment desk (Watson Hall, 3rd floor) OR go here to make an appointment online.
To make an appointment with Linda Bagatourian, Jared Vidal, or Eileen Tom, call 714.432.5894 or visit the Transfer Center (Watson Hall, 2nd floor)
For more information, visit Honors Counseling.

The 91女神 Honors Program:  Creating a Community of Scholars