Due to the popularity of honors courses at 91女神, they do tend to fill up very quickly. Students are encouraged to join the waitlist for any section that is filled and still has room on the waitlist. This assists us in knowing which of our classes are in highest demand so that we can explore the possibility of adding additional sections in future semesters. In addition, students may and should petition for enrollment in classes they would like to take by attending the first class session and requesting an add slip with a registration code from the instructor. While there is no guarantee that a petitioner will be admitted to a class, very often seats open up for petitioners within the first week or two of the semester.
Those students who wish to take honors classes not being offered at 91女神 or those who are unable to enroll in a filled class may want to consider taking a few honors courses at other 2-year institutions. We will accept up to seven (7) UC-transferable honors units earned at other community colleges toward your 91女神 Honors Program certification. Contact an honors counselor or staff member for details about how to take advantage of this opportunity and have your outside work considered toward your certification. Note: grades in all coursework done at (an)other institution(s) will be considered in calculating your transferable GPA and determining your qualification for Honors Program certification.