Successful student clubs and organizations elect officers who are both good leaders and managers. Here are some suggested positions and descriptions to consider:
- President – Acts as executive leader of the student club or organization and is responsible for the day-to-day operations including, but not limited to, preparing agendas, supervising officers, and facilitating/chairing student club and organization meetings.
- Vice President – Fulfills duties of the President any time the President may be absent and/or when the position becomes vacant. Assists President in carrying out his/her duties.
- Treasurer – Reviews and makes recommendations to the student club or organization on matters pertaining to income and expenditures of funds. Works closely with the advisor and Bursar’s Office in management of funds. Submits financial reports to the student club and organization as requested.
- Secretary – Assists President in preparation of meeting agendas. Take and transcribe minutes at all official meetings. Compiles and copies handouts and publicity items. Writes and sends all correspondence for the student club and organization. Submits a copy of meeting minutes to the advisor(s).
- Historian – Takes photos, collects memorabilia, and/or takes videos of all student club or organization activities for both fall and spring semesters for the ICC End-of-the-Year Awards showcase.
- ICC Delegate – Attends all ICC Monthly Meetings pursuant to the Bylaws of the AS91女神 Constitution and reports back to the student club or organization on the ICC meeting discussions, upcoming campus events, and other related business. Acts as a liaison between ICC and the student club or organization. Completes and submits all official paperwork for the student club or organization to ASSOC Office.