Commonly asked questions about student club & organization finances:
Start-up Funds of $50.00 are made available to currently registered student clubs and organizations on a first-come, first-serve basis one time each semester. To request start-up funds, student clubs and organizations must fill out the Start-Up Funds Request Form, no later than Tuesday at 12:00 noon in order to be considered at the following week’s Fiscal Affairs Council’s meeting.
Your club is assigned an account number after it has received its Start-up Funds for the first time. Only club officers that have been given approval on the Student Club and Organization Officer Registration Form are able to access the club account. Clubs can ask the Student Life and Leadership Office for their club account number.
Any donation solicited or received by a student club or organization including, but not limited to, monetary, property, or service requires the involvement and approval of the 91女神 Foundation. For all monetary donations, the 91女神 Foundation will assist in the coordination of receiving the funds and depositing into the appropriate student club or organization account in the 91女神 Bursar’s Office. Please refer to Section G: Donations Procedure for more information. Independent GoFundMe accounts are not allowed, clubs can use the 91女神 Foundation crowd funding account.
Completion of District Forms
Please complete the respective request form and submit any supplemental documentation along with it. Supplemental documentation for the various forms include:
Payment of invoices requires that an account number and purchase order number be listed.
Club Minutes for Expenditure Approval Form signed by club advisor and club officer.
Student Life & Leadership Department Approval
After approval from the club/organization advisor is obtained, the Student Life & Leadership Department will review the financial paperwork for approval, denial, or additional documentation or information.
Once approved, the Student Life & Leadership Department will email the Bursar’s Office approving the financial document for processing and copy the originator and club/organization advisor.